Six Word Story

This assignment required that we illustrate a six word story of our choice using design and advertising principles.


This piece functions as a visual reminder to always remain critical about the media we consume. It’s often easy to assume that we are immune to propoganda however that is never the case. The inspiration behind the quote and the three people pictured in it stemmed from the buzz about Queen Elizabeth’s death, which so happened to be when the project was assigned. The quote itself comes from a song called “Sex Yeah” by Marina; although it’s original meaning in the song espoused sexual liberation, I wanted to reintegrate it to 2021’s current political climate and use it as a reminder that the figures we often see portrayed as valiant and respected people can often be duplicitous. Whether it be themselves and/or the mediums that host them, it is a firm reminder to question what we know in order to get closer to the truth.


Find a phrase that tells a story in six words and create a visual that enforces the viewer to consider putting the phrase into practice.


The challenge involved finding figures who seem innocent or are framed as “bi-partisan” when their words and actions do not reflect such. The way I thought of portraying this was making a nod to 90’s electronics stores where TV’s were stacked on walls with often the same movie playing, or the news. I chose a CRTV because keeping in line with the 90’s and its consistent revival, it would appeal to both younger and older people. My hopes are to capture younger peoples attention based on the “vintage” quality of a CRTV and the appeal of static as a filter.


The end result ends up being this very polarizing image that has both visual appeal and head turning figures and phrases floating above them that hopefully get the viewer to nod in agreement or at least wonder what there is to question about each of the figures shown. I don’t think this will change minds, but I hope it’ll at least bring a line of questioning that is healthy for anyone
