Promotional Video: Vanier ACS International Program

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The college’s Continuing Education department needed to update their promotional video for their International Attestation of College Studies program.


To create a new promotional video that provided an updated view of social life at Vanier and what it’s like to live as a student in Montreal.


The challenge with this video was knowing what to showcase in the B-Roll footage. Although me and my partner on this project were students, we had to cater the video to what international students thought would be interesting about the city. The process involved meeting with the head of the International Programs coordinator to get a sense of what drives students to Montreal, compared to other major cities for schooling and scheduling shoot days for events and interviews.


The entire project was very rewarding due to the amount of time management and communication skills had to be used throughout the process. The shooting of the interviews and B-Roll was straight forward because my partner and I luckily shared a vision when it came to shot lists and how we would like shots framed. The caveat was coordinating with people who had to be interviewed and ensuring that each shoot day had enough coverage. Overall the video turned out to be great. It has that air of professionalism with a touch of personality, all mixed with the campness of a typical promotional video which, thankfully, pleased the client.