Proof of Concept: Immaculate Misconception

This project came out of my friend and I's combined school projects of filming a scene that we wrote. We decided to try and film a scene from a TV series we wrote together. This was a proof of concept to see if we could pull it off.


Immaculate Misconception is writing project my friend and I started. It is a self-indulgent TV series about queer life in our early 20s.


To shoot, direct, and edit the first two scenes of the pilot episode for my friend’s screenwriting program.


Since we were working with a limited amount of time and money, we began with polishing up the scenes we wanted to shoot so people could be inclined to help us. Once we were happy with the re-write, we quickly formed a team of people we knew from my friends film program and my theatre friends. From there we began planning the shoot. The challenge to overcome was letting go of some creative control. Since I had to act in it, I had to let go of the camera, which in turn meant not getting the shots exactly how I wanted. This then bled into editing where sometimes there wasn’t enough footage or something was wrong with the composition (i.e. lighting, not in focus, poor blocking). Despite that, I took it on as a fun editing challenge titled, “how to make it work”!


For a 48 hour project, I’m pretty proud of what we created. It showcased my attempt in cinematography, editing, writing, and acting. While I acknowledge this has a lot of room for improvement, it highlights my capability to go from concept to creation.