Rat Mart is a video game project about rats having to scavenge for food in a grocery store.

These book covers are a nod to my love for literature and how contemporary classics don’t have to look like dusty tomes.
Rat Mart is a video game project about rats having to scavenge for food in a grocery store.
In a team, create a video game using provided skeleton code. We had to come up with the concept, modify code to fit our needs and create all assets and images.
Being in teams of three, each of us had to play to our strenghts. Two were good at illustration and one was good at coding. My job was to create the assets and promotional material using the Rat Mart concept we had all agreed on. The challenge that our team ran into was figuring out how to make the shelves a kill-switch for the game as having it as a stagnant image made the game
Despite the difficulty we had with the code, our team managed to pull through and create something cute and kitschy. Although the mechanic is very simple, the theme allowed us to lean into the simplicity in a way where we could still showcase our strengths.